Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't count on a phone call soon...

Today Josh and I made our weekly trip to see the doctor in Fayetteville, and for the third week in a row heard the phrase "no time soon". Yes, it is true we have made very little progress in a week. We think now we might be 60% effaced, but no dilation. So, we have another appointment and one more ultrasound scheduled for next week! I think that we are going to have a million in utero pictures of Annie Glenn. Dr. Ralsten also said that we can go to 41 weeks without talking about inducing, all based on "sugar lump's" (my daddy's nickname for Annie Glenn) size and the levels of amniotic fluid. Apparently these levels were on the high side when we had the last ultrasound at 36 weeks. So, once again we will keep you all posted if our news changes.

Love to you all!

Carly and Josh

1 comment:

Angela said...

Hi Carly and Josh,
thanks for the updates... I love the name Barry has given Annie Glenn... She will probably be called Sugar Lump's all her life by the family.....
