It has gone from Summer to Winter in Newnan over the past week! Josh and I quickly realized, when the temperature didn't reach above 50 for several days that Annie Glenn was in need of some warm clothes! Thanks to trips to Babies R Us, Target, and WalMart our fashionista is ready for even the coldest of days. She has every warn and cuddly fleece top, pants, and PJs in Newnan and PTC and looks absolutely precious in them all!
Since we last blogged Annie Glenn has become very mobile! She is crawling faster than we can walk, and is pulling up and walking around the furniture as well as going up and over anything in her way. We have our own little Mountain Goat on our hands! She is also talking quite a bit with her favorite words being, "MaMa", "DaDa", "DogDog", and then a hilarious growl! Annie Glenn is going to be a lamb for Halloween and Josh and I have been working hard to get her to say 'Baa', however we have realized that we will have the first growling lamb, as this is what she does in return. We have fallen in love with her sweet voice and find her mimicking us all of the time. She really sounds exactly like us sometimes! She continues to be perfect to us and we cannot believe that she is almost 9 months old!
God has truly blessed our lives with such a healthy and vibrant little girl. She is constantly smiling, eats well, plays hard, and sleeps well. Life is so good! This week is birthday week for us Davis's with three birthdays in five days, so we are gearing up top share these special days as well as Halloween with Annie Glenn. She still looks like us both, it is so funny to hear peoples opinion! I have found that it depends on who is holding her, but I have to say she looks a lot like her Daddy. We are praying that she will at least act like her Mama!
We are loving each day with our adventurous little love bug and cannot seem to get enough of her. We can't wait until Halloween for pumpkin pictures and pictures of the first growling lamb!
We love you all!
C,J, and AG